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DeviceNet Master Module

Продукция XYCOM: Operator Interface plus Control - DeviceNet Master Module Продукция XYCOM: Operator Interface plus Control - DeviceNet Master Module

The DeviceNet Master Module is a cost-effective way to control a DeviceNet network. The GLC2000 Series units are a Human Machine Interface (HMI) and PLC all-in-one. This module adds DeviceNet Master capabilities to a GLC2000 unit and uses IEC 61131-3 compliant ladder logic to control I/O.


The GLC is a controller and HMI all-in-one that won"t break your machine"s "control budget."

By adding the CA2-DNMALL-41 to a GLC2000, you get a popular distributed I/O architecture that will add functionality and benefits previously unheard of.

Now you can put your controller (with touch screen) in a convenient location, and take up less space in your cabinet. One device to mount means quicker installation time.

One software package programs both the screen graphics and ladder logic - saving you time. You can even drag-and-drop variable names from one to the other, which can save "fat finger" mistakes.

Why DeviceNet?

1. Hundreds of vendors have I/O available.
2. Established.
3. Fast, easy installation - resulting in space and time savings.
4. Future-ready, for easy additions as your needs expand and change.
5. Improved uptime through intelligent insight into device operations.
6. Efficient bandwidth utilization through producer/consumer communications.

See www.odva.org for more information.
  • Can be added to the following units:
  • GLC2300-LG41-24V
  • GLC2300-TC41-24V
  • Supports the following connection types:
  • Polled
  • Strobed
  • Change of state
  • Cyclic
  • Supports up to 63 nodes and up to 48 words or bits on each (to a maximum of 1008 words or bits).
  • Easy to configure. Does not require 3rd party configuration utility. Editor will read EDS (Electronic Data Sheet) file information.
  • GLC2000 Features:
  • IEC 61131-3 Compliant ladder logic
  • Single Database for Control and HMI, supports drag-and-drop of variable names
  • Supports on-line monitoring of logic
    DeviceNet Master Module Datasheet for GLC2000 Series
    UL Auxiliary Devices for Use in Hazardous Locations Certification - Component for US (NOIV2.E180970)
    UL Auxiliary Devices for Use in Hazardous Locations Certification - Component for Canada (NOIV8.E180970)
    pixel DOWNLOADS
    DeviceNet Master Driver for GP-PRO C-Packag03


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